Lana’s Journeys:
The Land of Blue Sun
~chapter 2~
She awoke the next beginning and packed up all of her things
including the fur of the animal and the meat in the bag with the rest of her
belongings she bounced up to get the strap over her arm then she started
to walk the Northern Forest once again. Her large deep brown eyes
traveled from one place to the other as she looked around the forest
making sure nobody was around as she walked. After awhile her slender
arms dropped down from being crossed and Swung side to side as she
walked. Lana looked down at her feet as she walked Then she looked
back up and kept walking. After a period of time Lana started to get
thirsty. The gourd she had was empty and there wasn’t a spring in sight.
Lana had forgotten about the necklace she was wearing and she kept
Walking until the chain on her necklace made a chiming noise as the
wind blew then she put her hand up to her neck and felt her necklace
around her neck then remembered, “I almost forgot about my magic!”
she exclaimed. Lana walked over to a muddy little stream and looked at
it, then she touched her necklace and pointed at the stream with two of
her narrow fingers and she moved her fingers upwards picking up some of
the water in the stream ”how fascinating” she thought. Lana looked at
the water she had floating in the air and wondered if her plan would work
then she spread her two fingers apart and the dirt was on one side and
the clean water was on the other “Yes” she exclaimed, “It worked! It
worked!” Lana had just taught herself how to separate dirt from water.
Lana moved one of her fingers back to the rest of her fingers dropping the
dirt leaving only the clean water floating in the air then she moved her
finger until it pointed to her drinking gourd and she put the water in her
gourd. Lana looked at her hands from front to back then front again
“Wow,” she thought, “Out of all of the different things hands could do I
would have never thought that this was one of them.” Lana got back on
task and continued to walk through the Northern Forest. Lana looked
around in the forest then climbed up into a tree to take a rest. She sat on
a branch and leaned her head against the trunk of the tree, She slowly
began to doze off. Lana dreamt about Master and the drills they used to
do together in her dream she heard Master’s strong, feminine voice tell
her “Ok Lana, lets see if you can catch all one hundred fifty flags and
beat your current time” In the dream she got the flags in five seconds
beating her current record of six seconds just as she had done a couple of
moons before Master’s death in the war. Then she woke up. She
stretched out her arms really wide then yawned a little then gave a short
sigh of satisfaction. Now that she was well rested, Lana jumped down from
the tree and began to walk. Lana was still quietly walking in the Northern
Forest until a strong manly voice yelled angrily “WHO GOES THERE!”